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How Can You Help the German Shepherd Breed?

     We were able to breed Charlie and Chloe because we had many friends and connections that wanted puppies. We had planned for them to have only two litters. They had a total of 11 puppies that all went to great homes that were investigated by us before placement. Owning a German shepherd is a big responsibility, and sadly for some, they are too much work.  Shepherds are work dogs and need a lot of attention. Unfortunately, some people give them up for this reason alone. Before you get one...THINK IT OVER... or try adopting a mature shepherd. They are such a great breed.  They are friendly, loyal to a fault, and make wonderful family members! 

Please consider adopting a homeless German Shepherd or donating to help find them a forever home. 


You might want to try the Southeastern German Shepherd Rescue at the following link:


A portion of the proceeds from my book, "Get a Puppy" will be donated to the above rescue league.


Thank You...
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